
0 posts tagged with "job search"

Not Having A Personal Website Might Be Costing You Big

March 3, 2014

One of the great things about my role at Workfolio is that I get to hear the stories of how a personal website has benefited people in their careers. I’ve heard stories of personal websites helping people land jobs, secure new clients, get found by the press, impress their bosses, and demonstrate thought leadership. Despite the growing list of success stories about personal websites, many professionals still don’t have their own websites.

Here are the most commons reasons we hear why people...

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10 Ways to Optimize Your Personal Website and Jumpstart Your Job Search

May 15, 2013

Nine months is a long time - just ask any expecting mom. Nine months can feel like an especially long time when you are unemployed. According to the US Labor Department, the average job search now lasts more than 36 weeks – a little shorter than the average pregnancy.

Why so long? The economic downturn means that there are fewer jobs available, which means that competition for every job opening has become fierce. Hiring managers receive an average of 150 resumes for every position advertised....

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5 Things Every Job Seeker Should Spend Money On Now

June 11, 2014

If you’re unemployed, I don’t need to tell you that every dollar counts. For most, trimming expenses while searching for work is essential.

The typical length of a job search in the United States is eight months, and many people have been looking much longer. Even if you’re prepared financially, being out of work will likely cause you to evaluate every discretionary expense carefully.

However, when it comes to attracting the right career opportunity, there are a few things you should not be...

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